Zen Landscapes

This painting is from the gallery, “Zen Landscapes” of geeteshpaintings.com. Zen in its deepest sense is Eastern poetry. It loves suggestion, spontaneity and pure feeling. Landscapes beyond their immediate appearance veil the mystery of our inner life woven through the essence of nature. So Zen lifts the veil and allows us a glimpse of the eternal.

Acrylic on hand made 100% cotton paper

Acrylic on hand made 100% cotton paper


This painting is a perfect example of how Geetesh has used silkscreen in a unique way. Working on heavy 100% hand made India paper using acrylics to make huge washes while manipulating the color and form. Then laying silkscreen layers to create transparency, depth beauty and greater meaning in the painting.

28” x 12” acrylic wash and silkscreen

28” x 12” acrylic wash and silkscreen